Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Not Even a Shout Out: Did emma Donoghue Get TMI From Secrets of the Cellar?

Several days ago I posted about a fantastic book I could not get off my my mind, Room by Emma Donoghue. I also mentioned how it reminded me of a case I had seen on television that had occured somewhere in Europe. Because the book was so fascinating I wanted to read more about what could really make someone do these horrible things and began to search out information on the real crimes. Luckily. or unluckily, I came across Secrets of the Cellar by John Glatt.

Glatt published his book in 2009 and it is based on just the case I remembered, the Fritzl case in Austria. It is availble on Kindle so I downloaded it and began to read. I was in for a shock - and not because of the plot of the book. Listen to this...

As I read Secrets of the Cellar it became obvious that Ms. Donoghue had lifted her ideas for Room directly from Glatt's book. She did not just get and idea here and there or get emotions or any other things that writers typically do. She put her characters in Glatt's book.

Donoghue is one of my favorite authors. I was obssesed with Slammerkin. She is original and creative. What happened here? I wish I had an answer?

As I was reading Secrets of the cellar I cam across the door, the keypad lock, birth in the cellar, and only the use of over the counter drugs. When the real people in Secrets of the Cellar experienced something it was like I could hear Donoghue deciding how she could use this in Room.

I do not want to go on with a lengthly list of comparisons. Trust me, there are many, many, many. I will list them at another date if anyone is interested. All I ask is why not give a shout out to Glatt? And, where did your creativity go?

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